How to get more interviews and job offers with a marketing mindset

Seeking a new job or career change is a pain in the backside  at the best of times. This article explores how to get more interviews and job offers with a marketing mindset.

But first lets look at the actual hiring ecosystem dance.

The hiring dance 

Languid hiring processes, cognitive dissonance and ‘isms‘ (age, gender, race, culture, experience, industry et al) have, and will, continue to factor into the hiring dance. And it is a dance make no mistake, be it pre, current or post-COVID times.

Inculcated hiring practices and attitudes have kept alive the dance roles of candidates as subservient slaves, and hiring company-recruiters as powerful masters. Few would disagree with that analogy, albeit being sensational.

Highly skilled professionals often park their negotiation, marketing and management skills as they enter that master-slave job binary. The fear of upsetting the apple cart, losing opportunities, being commercially curious and saying ‘no’ when appropriate, keep many small. And in that small space, even top talent spirals into a pit of powerlessness.

Reason why companies hire

Companies hire professional talent because they have a need to fill or a problem to solve. It’s as simple as that, and similarly, businesses engage new suppliers for the same reasons. So with that understanding, a job seeker is no different from a business supplier – and who is eventually hired will generally be congruent to company values and dispositions.  Read more here

Applying the glue approach 

The solution to cut through the job malarkey is to embrace a new mindset with a  ‘sticky marketing’ approach. Networking at a top-line level is understood by most, but often due to time limitations is over contained and just the tip of the iceberg.

Many professionals will be well versed in implementing marketing and branding campaigns for their clients but rarely will they apply the same tools to their own career trajectory.

And that is the key switch to flick to amplify job search success outcomes.


When there is a change in your marketing approach, that positive energy influences and inspire broadly. And you build a solid platform of expertise career attraction.

Job search pillars 

There are 2 pillars in the job search game – being proactive and reactive. The former should take up 70-75% and the later 25-30% of your activities and focus.  Reactive is simply applying directly to advertised roles. .

Reactive tip :   Before applying for any advertised role, contact the recruiter or hiring company first.  the purpose is to open a quick conversation to find out the key the role is designed to solve and what success metrics in the next 12 months look like. 

This will provide  insight to enable tight tailoring of your  application, but to check if the role is genuine.  A vast number of advertisements never include this, instead they are simply a self-promotion of the organisation and the candidate criteria (ineffective in the construct).

Top 10 Marketing Mindset Strategies & Actions

Visibility, branding, content and consistency are the key marketing tools to embrace. Download my eBook below as a easy guide reference. 

Download the Top 10 Strategy eBook HERE   (lots of great tips for all other  ages)

(and NO you wont be put on a pesky email spam email lists)

.Job search for older people

As stated at the beginning, the professional job market is going to get more rigorous and cut throat than ever before. So hold your nerve, be brave and embrace a marketer vs job seeker mindset.  


Full Career Services Packages & Programs HERE 

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