Is fear and ego a roadblock to your job search success?

Finding a new job or changing careers is bloody hard at the best of times.  And it’s  even harder when negative conscious and sub conscious attitudes and thoughts take over.  Question then is fear and ego a roadblock to your job search success? .

It saddens me to see so many talented people struggle to land interviews and stay motivated.  They can be men or women between 25 to 65 of all professions, expertise and value.

But truth is many are not giving themselves the best chance to succeed. Hey it is a very tough job market in 2024 and the hiring ecosystem is never kind & gentle at the best of times.

Those who grapple and juggle have often:

a. LinkedIn profiles that are boring, cliché driven & incomplete

b. CV’s lacking in gravitas and competence/achievement communications and clarity of career brand value.

c. Cover Letters that are cut & paste jobs and belong in decades past.

d. Total reliance on job board advertisements and job application tunnels of doom.

So how does ego & fear manifest?


1/  A shame driven belief  that you should be able to figure everything out yourself. (Note there is NO shame in not knowing it all)

2/  No one can do things better than I can. I don’t need advice or feedback.

3/  Attitude of I shouldn’t have to promote what I do as people should know already

4/  Dunning Kruger Effect – an over inflated sense of your own competence

5/  Blame game transference. It’s easier to blame external factors



1/ A white hot fear of self analysis.  Trepidation in digging and reviewing what makes you tick, your past and current career journey.

2/ Concern for the need to change,  Change means new actions and getting out of comfort zones and old mindsets. 

3/ Terror of self promotion and fear of looking like a braggart

4/ Procrastination is a huge issue displaying in financial, family commitments, travel and time excuses.

5/ Imposter syndrome. Feeling like you are not worthy despite outward appearances

6/ Rejection and feeling flawed no matter what. Easier to be rejected without change.

7/ I will have to be consistent and action the work. I’m not sure I have the courage and discipline.

8/ Distrust of others and fear of making a mistake. Fear of wasting money. I have been duped before and paid for services that were useless, promised the world and didn’t deliver)


To help professionals reach their goals, experience greater confidence  and  get interviews and offers ASAP I share what they ‘need’ to hear.  It can be both very exciting and scary but time is often of the essence.

My heartfelt intention is from a position of compassion to see talented people flourish. I truly want to help as many people as possible. Many will not be able to afford my services and programs (or any others).   So to support broadly, I launched my ultimate distillation all aspects of career success in my Job Search & Career Marketing Action Guide’  (cost of half a dozen coffees).

Whatever you do going forward, please don’t let your fear or ego stand in your way.  

Take a honest deep inner look.  Hey we all let our ego or fear stand in our way in many aspects.  I know this because I am human and have done it plenty of times in my business and life.


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